

Good evening everyone!
How are you today?

Today, I'm going to write about Toukasan.
Toukasan is a famous festival in Hiroshima.
It'll be held this weekend.
Most of the people wear yukata and set hair cutely to take part in this festival.
A lot of people are looking forward to going :D

And then, there are many boothes XD
For example, there are food boothes as the shaved ice and apple candy.
In addition, there are amusement boothes as the goldfish scooping.
These boothes are proper booths that are opened in the Japanese festival.
These boothe s take high costs, but everyone don't feel anything!!!!haha
I think this reason why Japanese like festival very much!!!
It'll come the season of festival :3

Thank you for reading!

2 件のコメント:

  1. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  2. I was looking forward to going!

    Did you wear Kimono?
    Who did you go with there?♪haha
